About collaborations

A great challenge and inspiration to her work are the collaborations with visual artist friends which she has realized since 2018. She is interested in their approaches to jewellery and how their work can become integrated into a new jewellery series produced together.

These material and conceptual dialogues often lead to a surprise effect, becoming a special moment for her in her work. The resulting pieces use materials that are made available to her from their work or the other way around and during the collaboration they permit each other to freely work with the forms and material over a long duration.

"Extraordinary and rare in the world of so-called applied art jewellery are Ela Nord's collaborations with her visual artist friends. In broad terms, she finds interest within their approaches to jewellery - but is particularly drawn to how their work can be integrated into a new series based either on their work or through direct collaboration.

For these pieces of jewellery, she uses materials provided by each artist to then work freely and then incorporate, for example, in collaborations with Sonja Leimer’s sculptures or Mladen Bizumic’s photography.

Otherwise, as in the case of Georg Petermichl, an existing concept exists in the imagination of her artist friends and can be realized and materialized together." *

Future collaborations with artists from different artistic fields, such as Andreas Fogarasi, Lorenz Friedrich, Jennifer Gelardo, Ma Jia and Christian Kosmas Mayer are planned and in progress.

* Excerpt from the text by Ariane Reither for the exhibition "Mulberry Tubes", 2020